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latest NEWS

HMP Stafford

Rideout project 'The Biomechanics fo the Treadwheel'. Saul Hewishshares images from the Rideout project in 2019 where David worked with Saul to create a live show which explored hard labour in victorian times. The sketches were by Paul Gent.

Mark Anderson with Camera

28th March Mark celebrates 20 years of collaboration witrh David by sharing his favourite images they have created together.

Live and Local Associate Artist

1st April I'm very happy to announce that recently I have been acepted as an ASSOCIATE ARTIST with Live and Local based in Warwickshire.

Eco Schools Logo Design Winners

28th March David led learners in creating a logo design using a photograph of 3 Zebra leareners creating the trunk of a tree with their bodies and hand prints making the branches and leaves...this won the competition. The design will now be shared across all 5 ALP schools as the Eco Schools Logo.

Freddy Guitierrez

10th March Freddy shares his poem "Waitin' For Merlin" that he wrote while collabotrating with David at Headlands in San Francisco in 2021.

Jamie Thrasivoulou sharing prison poem

8th March Jamie Thrasivoulou shares his poem which he wrote and performed in our last performance at HMP Stafford.

Dance and Photography at ALP

5th February In my post as Course Leader for Expressive Arts I invited Jenny Harper into ALP Nuneaton to take photos of the learners in ACTION, just like this photo that we took of learners flying from a project in colaboration with The Depot London in 2014. Actual photos to come!

First atempt at building the immersive dance/ drama studio

25th October David experiments with two projectors in the studio.

Presenting at the Parkinson's UK AGM

12th October David helps out People Dancing and Sorisa Arts at the Parkinson's UK AGM in Birmingham.

First day as Course Leader for Expressive Arts at ALP Nuneaton

4th September David's first day at ALP Nuneaton as Course Leader for Expressive Arts.

Last day as facilitator for Dance with MS

11th May Completion of my contract with Frontline Dance teaching SEN groups and a group of people who were living with Multiple Sclerosis

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